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St. Augustine Grasses
Advantages: St Augustine grass makes a beautiful light green to dark green turf. It forms a dense turf that grows well in most soils throughout the south. St Augustine also has good shade tolerance even under the beautiful live oak trees the south is so famous for. Great shade tolerance is one of the reasons it is preferred over bermudagrass. Bermudagrass has very poor shade tolerance and will only grow a couple feet into moderate to heavy shade.Disadvantages: St Augustine grass has poor wear tolerance. It will hold up well under to normal traffic of a home lawn, but not under the heavy traffic of an athletic field. The coarse texture makes it unsuitable for golf courses and is only used in a few places. St Augustine also has poor drought tolerance and will not always hold its color without irrigation
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The North Carolina Experiment Station released cold-hardy Raleigh St. Augustine in 1980. Although finer textured (with a narrower blade) and more tolerant of shade than Floratam, Raleigh develops dense ground coverage. Raleigh St. Augustine is medium green in color, SAD virus resistant and is best grown in heavier clay soils.- Medium green color
- Cold tolerant
- Shade tolerant
- SAD Virus resistant
- Develops dense ground coverage
Today, Raleigh is the most widely grown variety of St. Augustine in Texas.
As its name implies, Floratam St. Augustine is the result of collaboration between the University of Florida and Texas A&M University. Released by the Florida and Texas Agricultural Experiment Stations in the early 1970s, Floratam St. Augustine is a chinch bug and SAD virus resistant variety of St. Augustine. Floratam is a hardy and coarse textured grass with wider and longer blades than common St. Augustine.A particularly vigorous variety, Floratam establishes ground cover rapidly and fares better in flood and drought conditions than many other varieties. Floratam is the most drought tolerant of St. Augustine varieties. The earliest strain of the grass that would ultimately become Floratam (Florida-23, originally called Roselawn selection #9 in 1953) actually came from Belle Glade, Florida, where King Ranch Turf today produces significant annual square yardage of this highly desirable warm weather grass.
History – Today the original 1972 Floratam foundation stock for the state of Texas is still grown as pure registered stock on our farms in Texas.
Floratam is particularly suited to applications in the southern part of Texas and is a good choice for residents of the coastal plain.
- Tolerates herbicides well
- Highly resistant to chinch bug injury
- SAD virus tolerant
- Fewer weeds
- Thrives in various soil conditions
With a finer texture than many other St. Augustine varieties, Palmetto® St. Augustine is hardy and grows in a wide variety of conditions and soil types. With its vivid emerald color, Palmetto® is a good choice for lawns and commercial applications. In addition to its heat and drought tolerance, Palmetto® has been observed to be somewhat more cold tolerant than a typical St. Augustine grass.- Beautiful emerald color
- Hardy (thrives with minimal maintenance)
- Shade tolerant
- Drought, heat and cold tolerant
Amerishade® is the most shade tolerant St. Augustine grass available. It has a semi-dwarf growth habit with smaller blades and shorter internodes, setting it apart from other varieties of St. Augustine. It also has a rapid rate of spread with less vertical growth that other St. Augustines, producing approximately 50% less clippings, reducing the mowing frequency. Amerishade is a dark green grass with a medium texture.DelMar
DelMar® St. Augustine is a vigorous, dark emerald green, medium-coarse textured lawn grass. It is one of the most cold tolerant varieties of St. Augustine making it a great choice in colder climates such as Dallas/Ft. Worth, and has very good shade tolerance. It also grows well in full sun. DelMar® turns golden brown in its dormancy. DelMar® tests at the top of National testing in overall quality among St. Augustines. DelMar® is the highest ranking cold tolerant, St. Augustine Decline Disease Free St. Augustine grass available.FJ Select St. Augustine
FJ Select Turf is a compact St. Augustine grass variety distinguished by its dense horizontal growth and slow vertical growth, requiring less mowing than many other St. Augustine cultivars. It possesses an excellent green color, good heat tolerance, and moderate shade tolerance. FJ Select forms a soft, cushioned lawn ideal for various activities and exhibits slower blade growth, reducing the need for frequent mowing.ProVista St. Augustine
With ProVista lawn maintenance has never been more efficient. Enjoy thick-growing grass that crowds out common lawn weeds. ProVista grows slowly to reduce mowing frequency by half (vs. other St. Augustine varieties) and requires minimal fertilizer to maintain, unlike other St. Augustine varieties. I can thrive in either sun or shade, making the lush, dense, dark green grass ideal for commercial properties, residential properties, and golf courses.Zoysia Grasses
Advantages: Zoysia is a beautiful turfgrass that grows well in a variety of climates. It forms a dense turf and is considered to be one of the most wear resistant of all grass species. However, if the site is to have exceptionally high traffic that will wear down the grass, zoysia may not be the best choice. This is because of how slowly it spreads. You may find it takes too long to fill in damaged areas. Bermudagrass or another grass may be a better choice in those situations.Disadvantages: A common complaint is that zoysia is slow to establish and spread. If you are planning to establish a lawn by seed, it can take a long time. Some seeds will not germinate the first year. If started by plugs or sprigs planted 6 inches apart, it will take up to two years to fill in. If not cared for properly, it could take longer. Weed control in thin areas will be a problem until it thickens up. Sod is the fastest means of establishment.
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JaMur is a medium to coarse textured Zoysia grass primarily developed for use in high traffic, high visibility application. JaMur is similar in appearance to a dwarf variety of St. Augustine and has many of the same uses. It is ideal for residential, commercial, and industrial sites.Characteristics:
JaMur is compatible with a wide range of soil conditions, and is comparable to St. Augustine in shade tolerance. In the past, zoysias were considered to be very slow to spread and establish. JaMur is not your typical Zoysia. Expect full coverage from plugs planted on one foot centers in about sixteen weeks instead of the two years it takes some of the older varieties.
Compared to St. Augustine, JaMur is more cold, insect, and disease, wear, and drought tolerant. At the same time, it is a much more aesthetically pleasing turf.
JaMur produces a very lush, dense turf with an attractive blue-green color. This density along with an extensive rhizome and root system gives JaMur excellent recovery characteristics.
Installation and Maintenance:
JaMur cannot be grown from seed. Therefore, actual plant material must be used. Solid sodding is, by far, the best way to go.
Water the grass as you plant it. Do not wait until the entire site is planted to water.
The site should be watered heavily for at least two weeks to promote establishment. After establishment period is over, keep a regular schedule of watering and mowing, we think that you will be extremely pleased with the quality of your turf.
Recommended annual fertilization rate in one to two pounds Nitrogen per 1,000 square foot. Use split applications with one pound Nitrogen in the spring to encourage new growth and one pound of nitrogen in mid-to-late summer to promote healthy growth into the fall and winter.
The Jamur state Zeon Zoyisa is the fastest growing Zoysia grass we have seen making it an excellent choice for high traffic areas. It has a medium width leaf blade and has a very aggressive lateral growth habit. Jamur requires less than 2 pounds of Nitrogen per 1000 square feet annually and is very quick to establish. We think it is the best medium width bladed Zoysia grass on the market. The Jamur state Zeon should be maintained at 1-2 inch mowing height with a rotary mower. The Jamur state Zeon has excellent drought and shade tolerance.Zorro
Zorro's density, texture, and adaptability to different mowing heights offer an excellent playing surface for tees, fairways, fringes and roughs. Zorro can be mowed with a reel mower at 1/4” or with a rotary at 2”. Zorro has superior shade tolerance to most other warm season grasses allowing it to grow in areas other grasses simply can’t. Zorro has excellent fall color retention and is an ideal choice from the tropics to the transition zone.Not only is this Grass Type a great product for Golf Courses but it is an unbelievable grass in your yard and commercial business.
Developed and released by Texas A&M University, Palisades Zoysia is a variety of Zoysia Japonica, which originally came to North America from Japan in 1895. Palisades Zoysia is one of the most popular coarse textured Zoysia grasses in the United States. In addition to its medium-coarse texture, it tolerates heat and withstands cold relatively well. It also handles moderate shade and salty conditions quite well. Most importantly, Palisades Zoysia is one of the most drought tolerant of the Zoysias. In fact, some studies have shown it to survive up to 15 weeks without water. Another crucial distinguishing point about Palisades Zoysia is that it can be mowed to as low as ½ inch in height. This aspect of the grass, along with its hardiness in dry conditions, makes it an ideal turf for golf course fairways and roughs – and, of course, for residential lawns. Palisades Zoysia, like many other Zoysias, is a highly dense turf and is also appropriate for highway medians and rights of way, and for industrial and commercial parks.- Extremely drought tolerant
- Medium coarse texture
- Can be mowed to ½ inch height
- Salt and shade tolerant
- Thrives in hot and relatively cold conditions
- High-density growth pattern
Emerald zoysia is a fine-textured, dense-growing, dark green Turfgrass. Emerald was released by the USDA and the Georgia Agricultural Station in 1955 and is known as the “Cadillac” of turf. Emerald is very drought and cold tolerant. It is slow to spread, but once established, it crowds out weeds. It is wear resistant to foot traffic. Emerald grows in full sun but also has good shade tolerance.Buffalo Grasses
- General Low Maintenance
- Efficient use of water and fertilizer
- Low mowing requirements
- Drought & Cold Tolerant
- Wear resistant Turf
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609 Buffalograss
609 Buffalograss is a blue-green, fine textured turfgrass, which ranks as a top turf type known for its drought tolerance and minimal maintenance. 609 is recommended for all areas of 30 inches rainfall or less and is by far the most drought and cold tolerant grass in Texas but requires full sun. Buffalograsses are the only true Texas native lawn grasses today.Prairie
Prairie is a native, fine textured, apple green buffalograss that is adapted to all areas of Texas where rainfall is less than 30 inches. It is recommended as a minimal maintenance turfgrass for roadsides, industrial parks and non-irrigated landscape sites.Density
Density is a fine textured Buffalograss primarily developed for it’s superior turf quality which allows for faster, easier harvesting and planting. It is ideal for residential, commercial, and industrial sites.Density produces a lush, dense turf. It has good green color. Density is a female Buffalograss, but has some male flowers mixed in. Landscapers will enjoy a much stronger sod block than Buffalograsses of the past. Density also shows promise in higher humidity and rainfall areas.
Density is compatible with a wide range of soil conditions. In the past, Buffalos were very thin and did not produce easily handled block sod. Density is not your typical Buffalo. Expect an excellent, dense turf that holds well in a block and does not have the weed invasion problems associated with other Buffalograsses.
Water the grass as you plant it. Do not wait until the entire site is planted to water. The site should be watered heavily for at least two weeks to promote establishment. After establishment period is over watering and mowing can be kept very minimal for a “native” look. A lush, manicured look may be achieved with increased water and maintenance. Recommended mowing height, with a rotary mower, is 2 inches. Recommended annual fertilization rate is one to two pounds Nitrogen per 1,000 square feet. Use split applications with one pound Nitrogen in the spring to encourage new growth and one pound of nitrogen in mid-to-late summer to promote healthy growth into the fall and winter.
Bermuda Grasses:
Bermuda grass grows best in full sun, has a medium to fine texture, is drought resistant and highly versatile, is salt tolerant, and is easy to establish from seed.View Products
Tifway 419
419 is a deep green hybrid Bermuda grass with an excellent impact absorbing cushion making it a preferred surface for sports and golf, as well as full sun residential and commercial application in all areas of Texas.Common Bermuda grass
Common Bermuda grass is a fine textured Bermuda used mostly in commercial application. This Bermuda has a high formation of seed heads producing viable seeds and is very invasive.The down side to Bermuda grass is the aggressive quality that also makes it so popular. Flowerbeds or other adjacent areas can be over-run if not kept in check by constant edging or applications of herbicides. This is one of the grasses that can "return from the dead" if not completely killed the first time due to its extensive root system and just digging it up without getting rid of the roots will not solve the problem. Repeated applications of a glyphosphate such as Roundup are usually required to kill Bermuda.
Celebration Bermuda grass is highly drought tolerant and quite reasonably appealing with its naturally dark, blue green color. Celebration has earned a reputation for its toughness and ability to withstand wear and tear in sports and golf use, adapted to all areas of Texas.TifSport
TifSport is a fine textured, cold hardy, consistent rich dark green hybrid Bermuda grass, selected for its tolerance to close mowing and its overall superiority when compared to 419 Tifway, the standard in Texas for Sports, Golf, Residential and Commercial application.CT-2 Bermudagrass
CT-2 is a deep blue green, fine textured Bermuda grass producing very aggressive lateral growth, thus establishing itself quickly and recovering from damage. CT-2 is well adapted to all areas of Texas and provides an excellent sports and golf turf, as well as commercial and residential use.TifTuf™
TifTuf™ was selected for its drought tolerance and ability to maintain turf quality under drought stress. In our own experience we believe that once TifTuf™ is established, it will need irrigation 38% less than Tifway 419. University drought tests have TifTuf™ consistently ranked as the highest in quality and appearance over time compared to all other Bermuda grasses. It is a sterile hybrid Bermuda grass that spreads by above ground runners (stolons) and below ground rhizomes to form a lush green turf.Call us at 210-522-1971 for more information on our landscaping service or sod products. You may also contact us by sending an email online or text us at 210-825-1020.